buying extended car warranty is it worth it
buying extended car warranty is it worth it
buying extended car warranty is it worth it


This is also true for new cars but you can also have it for used vehicles too.

When brand new off the assembly line manufacturing and outside dining car lot or floor exhibition dealership they are subject to what might be called a very high wear rates as parties mesh and work with others.

Even after years of use, the Nissan S15 always performs at top speeds and beauty can still be compared to today's cars.

They expect that there will be a car warranty to ensure that if something happens unrelated to the fault of the driver that any repair is covered.
Again, if a seller has told you that you are covered for damage unicorn, but it is not in the written contract, then you do not really need to cover the unicorn.

It is a good idea for you to do your research before buying an extended warranty.